Yvette Hoyle

Yvette Hoyle 

Yvette is a British film Producer in the independent film market with a background in her earlier years in PR and business management. Her many film credits include human-interest films that highlight social issues impacting the vulnerable and disadvantaged globally, her latest documentary “The Warriors’ tells the extraordinary story of two female ‘Afghan Cyclists Road to Freedom’.

Yvette is a human rights activist particularly for children and young female refugees suffering persecution. Alongside her career her she has worked as a volunteer for more than twenty years in the charitable sector, supporting fundraising, events and as a development adviser, creating new international relations for leading charities in the UK, such as NSPCC, One Voice For Freedom, a charity working to abolish Slavery and Syria Relief, fundraising and campaigning in support of Syrian Refugee’s. 

Her career in media and film extends over two decades she currently runs her own production company “Golden Apple Films whilst studying.  
 Art’s & Humanities and International linguistic Politics.

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